External Distance Of Simple Curve

External distance of simple curves, a fundamental concept in geometric measure theory, plays a crucial role in image processing, shape recognition, and geometric modeling. This article delves into the definition, properties, applications, algorithms, and extensions of external distance, providing a comprehensive overview of this important measure.

External distance quantifies the dissimilarity between two curves by measuring the minimum distance from each point on one curve to the closest point on the other. It is a powerful tool for analyzing the shape and structure of curves, and has found widespread applications in various fields.

External Distance of Simple Curves

External distance of simple curve

External distance is a fundamental concept in the geometric analysis of simple curves. It measures the distance between a point on the curve and the farthest point from the curve within a given region.

Definition and Concept of External Distance

Let C be a simple curve in the plane and let P be a point not on C. The external distance from P to C, denoted by d(P, C), is defined as the infimum of the distances from P to all points on C.

Mathematically, d(P, C) = inf||P – Q|| : Q ∈ C, where ||.|| denotes the Euclidean distance.

Properties of External Distance

  • Symmetry: d(P, C) = d(C, P)
  • Non-negativity: d(P, C) ≥ 0
  • Triangle inequality: d(P, C) + d(C, Q) ≥ d(P, Q) for any points P, Q, and C

Applications of External Distance

  • Image processing: Object detection and recognition
  • Shape recognition: Classification and matching of shapes
  • Geometric modeling: Design and analysis of curves and surfaces

Algorithms for Computing External Distance

  • Hausdorff distance: Computes the maximum distance between any two points on the curves
  • Fréchet distance: Measures the minimum distance between two curves while allowing for continuous deformation

Extensions and Generalizations, External distance of simple curve

  • Generalized external distance: Extends the concept to curves in higher dimensions
  • Medial axis transform: Constructs a skeleton of a shape based on its external distance

General Inquiries

What is the mathematical definition of external distance?

External distance between two curves C1 and C2 is defined as: d_e(C1, C2) = supd(p, C2) : p ∈ C1, where d(p, C2) is the distance from point p to curve C2.

What are the key properties of external distance?

External distance is symmetric, non-negative, and satisfies the triangle inequality. These properties make it a useful measure for analyzing the similarity and dissimilarity of curves.

How is external distance used in image processing?

External distance is used in image processing for object detection, segmentation, and shape matching. By comparing the external distance between different image regions, it is possible to identify and delineate objects of interest.